OCT for Macular Diseases
Course in clinical applications of OCT for macular diseases
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is one or even the most important ancillary test used to diagnose and follow up patients with macular diseases. As we are living in the year 2020, it is imperative to do OCT before treating macular diseases even when we are sure about the diagnosis in the clinical examination as OCT may reveal biomarkers that may have prognostic factors along with pathologies subtle to the clinical examination which may impact our treatment decisions. OCT is a valuable tool to assess the macular pathology's qualitative and quantitative features to compare it with OCT cross-sections post-treatment or observation, which will help evaluate treatment efficacy and make decisions for future treatments and follow up planning.
Introduction and types of macular scans
There are two main types of OCT scans: qualitative, which is tomography scans, and quantitative, which is topography scans. Learning the normal OCT findings is essential to distinguish the pathology, OCT best studied in black and white color.